I want you to see that the gym isn’t a scary place

Read my story below

Hi, I’m Aiste

(pronounced ~ ice tea~)

There’s along story below of how I became a personal trainer and why. But if you wanted a really short version - here’s 10 things about who I am:

  1. I was born in Lithuania & moved to UK in 2004

  2. I speak Lithuanian and English fluently. Sometimes the two get intertwined and I invent a third language no-one can understand

  3. Horses are my hobby. I have been riding and competing since the age of 10

  4. I wasn’t always a fan of the gym. And sometimes still get anxious going into a new one

  5. I qualified as a coach in 2019 and have been coaching full time since 2021

  6. Previously I worked as project manager. I still love a spreadsheet

  7. Food is life. I love cooking and inventing my own recipes of tasty food to fit my macros and calories. I refuse to eat bland.

  8. I love science - I studied medical microbiology at university & still keep up to date with scientific research relating to human biology and psychology

  9. Never stop learning - every year I attend at least one course or seminar to broaden and deepen my knowledge of fitness, nutrition & mindset coaching

  10. It takes me 3 year to decide what movie to watch. I usually opt for TV series instead!

If you’re still reading - well done. Here’s a bit more about me.

I want always a fan of the gym. Growing up I was active, at the age of 10 I started riding horses and it took over my whole world. By 11 I was competing locally. At the age of 14 I was competing at national level dressage and show jumping. Training was intense - 6 days a week! I honestly don’t know how I managed to get through school as well..

The gym didn’t even come to my mind until I left my retail manager role and started my first office job. At a very ripe age of 28! Like so many other women - I was affected by the diet culture. Striving to be the smallest version of myself, doing endless cardio, starving myself to be thin but never actually happy in my own skin. I hated the gym when I first started going. For someone who suffered with anxiety - this open space filled with people was actual hell.

I persevered though, only because my fear of gaining weight outweighed the anxiety of going to the gym. Sticking at it was the best thing I did. I figured if I’m going to have to do this - might as well learn how to do it properly. But most importantly - I realised no-one cared about what I was doing. Everyone was focusing on what they were doing. I got over the gym paralysis!

I gradually started to learn about lifting weights, technique and I liked what this new exercise routine was doing to my body. I started to run faster, ride better, lift my weekly shopping bags and notice my biceps. The muscle definition I got from weight training was far superior to any diet had done for me in the past.

Fast forward to my 30’s I had a full blown ‘what is my life’ crisis. I always thought that I’d get to a certain level of income and somehow everything would just be ok. And once I got there, much to my surprise, this was far from the truth. I was fuming lolI was a project manager in retail, I was responsible for large projects and a good handful of people. I was good at it, but the job gave me zero fulfilment.

So after some soul searching, learning about myself and even therapy (best thing I did by the way!) I decided enough was enough. It was time to take charge & change the course of my life to one I actually like living.

I chose the personal training route because over the years of training, I grew to love it. I was no longer intimidated to go into the weights area and do my workout. I felt so FREE! I want to inspire others to feel this way too. But the real reason I chose to do this instead of corporate - I can help people. Knowing I made a positive difference is the greatest feeling in life.

So many women are feeling the way I have felt in the past and probably going through the same struggles as I did. I know I can help them see it doesn’t have to be this hard.

I figured 12 years of people management and all those leadership roles had to give me good coaching skills. So these days, this is what I’m really good at doing with my clients:

  • Change relationship with food

  • Get strong and learn how to lift with good technique

  • Gain confidence in and out of the gym

  • Find a form of exercise you like doing so you can keep active

  • Change mindset

  • Address limiting beliefs

  • how nutrition & exercise can help manage menopause, periods, endometriosis and PCOS symptoms

  • Core & pelvic floor strengthening through functional movement

  • physique change as a result of the above

My Approach


My aim is to educate you. You get the opportunity to take control of your own health, fitness,and wellbeing

This is where you get to build strength and confidence for life


Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore, together we can make this an enjoyable pastime. Same goes for nutrition - you really don’t need to give up your favourite foods to get fit! My nutrition guidance includes tasty recipes and ideas for how to eat happy.


Client Centred

I’m truly passionate about supporting you in building your confidence and reaching your goals. That’s why everything I do is focused around my clients, ensuring you get what you want out of our time together.


By working with me you don’t just get a personal trainer -I’ll teach you everything you need to know to be able to sustain healthy habits in the long run. It’s not about losing some weight and then gaining twice as much back, my approach will teach you how to be fit for life!